Saturday, September 15, 2012

Move Along by The All-American Rejects

The album "Move Along" by the All-American Rejects, released in 2005, is one that you should not overlook. A sophomore album, it is punctuated with upbeat songs balanced by less upbeat songs. It both starts strong and ends strong, beginning with the upbeat "Dirty Little Secret", the most successful single from the album. It ends with "Can't Take It", a closing song that adds much-needed variety to the album.

The A Team by Ed Sheeran

I turn on the radio and hear yet another bubblegum-my pop song about partying/teenage love/summer and sigh. Frustrated, I turn to YouTube, but for what? I don't know what I'm looking for. I sit back and close my eyes, thinking. In the back of my mind I vaguely remember reading a Tweet about an album titled The A Team by some guy named Ed Sheeran. So I searched. I clicked on a video for the title track. As the soft, bouncy guitar notes begin, I hear the start of the lyrics:
"White lips, pale face.
Breathing in the snowflakes.
Burnt lungs, sour taste.
Light's gone, day's end..
Struggling to pay rent.
Long nights, strange men."
I close my eyes and smile. Finally, real music.

The A Team is sung by 21-year old English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. His music isn't what you'd typically hear in today's society. His music isn't for those searching for a popping party song. No, his music is for people who want something real. Something with a deeper meaning.

Personally, I enjoy good music, which is hard to find from most of today's artists. And in the world of this generation, it's hard to find an artist with real talents that writes about something deeper than how sick a party was or how many chicks they've hooked up with. Ed Sheeran is one of those rare artists. His music has meaning. His album, The A Team (EP) includes the title track, Firefly, Fall, and Give Me Love. For those of you that also like music, The A Team is highly recommended.

Runaway by Kanye West

The West-directed Runaway used a heavily-saturated color palette; bright oranges, fiery reds, and lush forest-greens dominated. He lingered over his imagery, frequently slowing down the motion for us to observe the phoenix's most causal gestures. In one bravura sequence, he included a red-dressed marching band that pulled along a giant papier-mache bust of Michael Jackson in its wake.
West has said that Runaway contains nine songs from his forthcoming album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and supplies “visuals for all these songs that deserve videos.”
Late in Runaway, the phoenix speaks: “You know what I hate about your world? Anything that is different you try to change, you try to tear it down.” West's visual and musical sophistication was constantly contrasted with images of the phoenix's playful innocence, until she finally burst into flames and ascended back “to my world,” as she put it, leaving West's character desperate, running down the road after her, left alone.

Given how controversial West's every artistic gesture seems to have become, I have a feeling we'll be in for a round of dismissals of Runaway as a pretentious piece. Instead, it deserves to be seen as a carefully modulated art-film made by a man on a mission.

Blown Away by Carrie Underwood

My aunt was recently diagnosed with cancer, and the night I found out, I locked myself in my room and searched desperately for a melancholy, angry song. After Internet searching, which didn't seem to produce much, I realized that I had just bought the new album "Blown Away" by Carrie Underwood and I turned the volume all the way up and hit play (a little more aggressively than I normally would have). The words spoke to my aching soul with fiery passion. My favorite line is: "Dry lightning cracks across the skies." I imagined my whole world closing in on me. I could imagine the girl in the cellar, rocking back and forth, relishing the storm, delighting in her isolation. I felt grey and cold, and it chilled me to a slow simmer long enough so I could achieve some calm. Carrie Underwood's voice is rich but moving and "Blown Away" let me escape from my drowning world and feel the pain of someone else.

I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston

One of the best loved ballads and greatest hits by Whitney Houston who passed away not too long ago is “I Will Always Love You”. Originally this song was developed by famous country singer Dolly Parton who was writing it for her dear friend country singer Porter Wagner. The meaning of the song was due to their time spent together and also to show her appreciation for the time they worked together. Dolly Parton’s version of “I Will Always Love You” was more of a country ballad but, Whitney Houston’s version captured and attracted audiences from all over the world. “If I should stay I would only be in your way so I’ll go but I know I’ll think of you every step of the way Bittersweet memories that is all I’m taking with me so goodbye, please don’t cry we both know I’m not what you, you need.”I Will Always Love You “. Even though Dolly Parton was the original writer Whitney Houston will always be the one who made this song a #1 hit.

What makes you beautiful by one direction

The British-Irish boy band consisting of members Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson became widely known by their love-struck fans when their hit single “What makes you beautiful” started playing on the radio station heard ‘round the world On 21 March 2012, the bands album, Up All Night debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, making One Direction the first UK group in history to debut at number one with their very first album. The song is about a guy who thinks a girl is beautiful but she doesn’t know it. Through the song they describe how she acts and what he likes about her, and why he thinks that she is beautiful. The upbeat pop sound makes it the perfect song to dance and sing along to. The song is perfect for all ages and does not contain any foul or inappropriate language which makes it available to all ages of ears to listen too. This song has a catchy beat and I can see this boy band becoming a hit for years to come. The goal of the band seems to reach for young girl teens but has been heard and liked from a variety of different ages. Personally, I really like this song and when ever it comes on the radio I turn it up a sing my little heart out. It is an enjoyable song that a lot of girls can relate to, or would like a guy to say to them. I rate this song high as in being catchy and easy lyrics to sing along to. They are not the greatest band that has ever become famous, but with their image they make themselves very easy to like.

Some Nights by fun.

Fun. sure has been getting a major spotlight in the media lately, after their new single "We Are Young", was covered by the cast of Glee and climbed to #1 in the Billboard Hot 100. It's surprising how an indie band made it to the top of the charts, surpassing major mainstream artists like Adele, One Direction, and Katy Perry. It definitely takes a dynamic track to make it up that high, which is exactly what fun. has delivered in their sophomore album, Some Nights.

Who I Am by Zain Bikha


"Social Expectation drowns us all inside
What you have should be what I want
Cos what I have just aint alright
The clothes I wear, the way I comb my hair
How I live, oh I don’t care

This is who I am, this is me
Nothing, everything, can’t you see
Who I am, just let me be
Cos like it or not but God loves me
Who I am"

This beautiful song is very underrated, it has wonderful lyrics and absolutely nothing is negative. I can never stop listening to this song, it applies to everybody in the world, not just teenagers. The video is even more beautiful.
We live in a world where there are so many norms and it's just a bit nerve wrecking. It's human to just sit down and listen to a nice positive song that can lift you up and give you the energy to go the rest of the way. This song is beyond amazing, it has truth screaming out of it in every verse.

"Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber

I have never been infected with Bieber Fever. I have never attended his concerts. And I have never seen the Justin Bieber 3D Movie. Even so, I am left speechless after listening to his latest single, “Boyfriend”, produced by R&B and hip-hop singer, Mike Posner.

Though his smash hit “Baby”, released in 2010, marked an intense period in musical history among teenagers, “Boyfriend” is sure to capture the hearts of even new and unfamiliar listeners. This catchy song not only acquires a nice chorus, but also an excellent tune and rhythm. 

“Boyfriend” is vastly unique and diverse from his previous songs over the years. The astonishing alters will and has enveloped fans into a whole new aspect of Justin Bieber.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift’s new song ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ is currently number one on iTunes beating out Justin Bieber, Fun, Flo Rida, and more! Many people on Youtube are making comments on lyric videos that people make with Taylor’s new song saying that she shouldn’t have changed her sound and that this song doesn’t sound like Taylor Swift at all. I think the song is amazing. It’s probably my favorite that she’s ever released and not just because it's her newest one. Taylor is growing as an artist more and more every day. Changing sound is something to do to expand as an artist instead of keeping the same sound all the time. Artists change their sound time. I mean look at Justin Bieber. He went from One Less Lonely Girl to As Long As You Love Me. Taylor’s music can still relate to mostly all teenage girls being that the song is about a girl telling her ex-boyfriend that they’ll never be getting back you can tell from the title probably. I personally can’t wait to see what else is on Taylor’s new album Red.